Lettre adressée à Madame la Ministre Ségolène Royal


/ #8 wolf killing

2014-09-21 15:14


Wolves are the natural, most agreeable way to control Wild Boar, Ungulate and Rodent  populations, that destroy crop and flora, as well as spread disease everywhere.! Wolves have been proven to primarily kill sick and old in herds, increase the herd health, prevent them from over-grazing and overpopulating (proven in Yellowstone Park), as well as  rodents that can spread diseases. Consider, foxes, coyotes, wolves consume a lot of rodents: mice, rats, prairie dogs, rabbits.  Unchecked rodent populations destroy crops and can spread disease outbreaks, e.g., bubonic plague!  Don't repeat past mistakes!






1. All dogs are descended from the grey wolf


2. All wolves originally evolved in North America (now almost extinct in America !)


3. Wolves have a very positive impact on environment, proven in Yellowstone Park and elsewhere on flora and fauna, kill sick and old in herds, prevent herds from over-grazing


4. Wolves/dogs helped us evolve and are still helping us to survive


5. Wolf -First domesticated animal by man, partner in our survival




Also: Very aggressive Wild Boars , imported from Russia for sport hunting, are increasing exponentially in the USA and are a definite threat to humans, pets livestock, destroy crops and flora, would be best controlled and preyed upon by Grey & Red Wolves in the USA, and are being controlled in Siberia now by Gray Wolves, killing wolves will increase the Russian Wild Boar  infestation, now throughout the south  in the  in USA and spreading north!   Killing wolves will increase damages to flora and fauna, as proven at Yellowstone National Park USA, healing now due to the reintroduction of Grey Wolves imported from Canadian for the purpose or restoring wolves to their natural home; now recognized  many unforeseen benefits to all flora and fauna in the park, as well as increasing tourism to the park just to see the wolves!  Best historic evidence is that the wolf was first tamed by man to become dogs in Russia / China area, do not betray them and dishonor their gift to man, the dog - still man's best friend and partner in survival! 'Wolves are also major predators of boars in some areas. Wolves mostly feed on piglets, though adults have been recorded to be taken in Italy, the Iberian peninsula, and Russia. Wolves rarely attack boars head on, preferring to tear at their perineum, causing loss of coordination and massive blood loss. In some areas of the former Soviet Union, a single wolf pack can consume an average of 50–80 wild boars annually'.[46] Wikipedia exert. 


46. Graves, Will (2007). Wolves in Russia: Anxiety throughout the ages. p. 222. ISBN 1-55059-332-3