Petition against censorship in French university libraries.
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#2 sometimes you have to think about more than just yourself...2015-02-05 09:49Do you think looking for historical truth is not imporant ? Tell that to people who had to live during WWII and gave their life to resist again nazism in France and USSR... Maybe they fought for you to be able to "get a life" too. |
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#32015-02-07 18:41A Yale University Press published book not good enough for the Sorbonne Library? Incredible A Yale University Press livre publié pas assez bon pour la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne? incroyable |
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#42015-02-08 15:50As a Professor of History at Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, I find this action incredible. Is the Sorbonne becoming an adjunct for the National Front, for the recrudescence of fascism in Europe generally. This is a shameful act which, if it is not repealed immediately deserrves to be the subject of condemnation internationally. Historical scholarship develops through the active interpretation through various frameworks of historical evidence. What is happening here is the crude censorship of one long established set of interpretations in favor of others, many of which, according to the authors have their roots in both the old fascism and in comtemporary neo fascism. |
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#52015-02-08 18:26Perhaps the librarians could set aside a locked room in which they would place books that the library acquires in order to remain worthy of the designation "library" but judges inappropriate for people to read before they are certified to be sufficiently reactionary. |
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#62015-02-08 20:13signed on behalf of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) |
Tous contre la location du Motu HOREA de TUMARAA.
MIN Yoongi Forever #BTSisSeven #SugaStays #ARMYShieldsBTS #BesideSUGA #BTSPurpleRibbonProject #ItsGonnaBeAlright #힘들땐우리가함께걸어온길을돌아봐 #NouvellePhotoDeProfil #ARMYMediaBlacko
Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous voulez changer ?
Le changement n'a pas lieu en gardant le silence. L'auteur de cette pétition a eu le courage de ses opinions. Allez-vous faire de même ? Lancez un mouvement social en créant une pétition.
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